All Mirrors Are Broken...

This morning as I checked my inbox, I saw this message from Seth Godin.  I immediately began to think about the many people that I have met over the years.  Take for example most golfers are not as good as they think they are (we have several broken windows every year and scores of golf balls in the pool).  Also, when most people view their lives, it is not as bad as it seems.  Seth's message is a reminder to "lighten up."

All mirrors are broken.

It's impossible to see yourself as others do.

Not merely because the medium is imperfect, but, when it comes to ourselves, we process what we see differently than everyone else in the world does. 

We make this mistake with physical mirrors as well as the now ubiquitous mirror of what people are saying about us behind our back on social media. We misunderstand how we look on that video or how we come across in that note.

When we see a group photo, we instantly look at ourselves first. When we pass a mirror on the wall, we check to see if there's parsley stuck on our teeth, yet fail to notice how horrible that camel's hair jacket we love actually looks on us. When someone posts a review of something we've built, or responds/reacts to something we've written online, we dissect it, looking for the germ of truth that will finally help us see ourselves as others do.

No one understands your self-narrative, no one cares that much about you, no one truly gets what it's like to be you. That germ of truth you're seeking isn't there, no matter how hard you look in the mirror.

You're not as bad (or as good) as you think you are. 

The Squeaky Wheel Doesn't Get The Grease....

The Squeaky Wheel Doesn't Get The Grease.....

I love Isaiah Hankel's article in Entrepreneur magazine as he states, your problems are proportional to the amount of time you spend complaining about your problems:  The less you complain, the fewer problems you will have. This is because complaining about your problems keeps your attention on your problems. And attention generates force.   

Complaining also negatively affects your brain functioning and overall health. A study in the journal Developmental Psychology reported by the American Psychological Association found that people who vent to one other about their problems for long periods of time are more likely to develop depression and anxiety.  Other studies reported by Stanford University News have shown that exposure to complaints lasting 30 minutes or more peels away neurons in your hippocampus, the part of your brain responsible for problem-solving.


Complaining lowers self-esteem.

The squeaky wheel doesn't get the grease. The squeaky wheel breaks down and gets replaced. 
If you want to attract failure, talk about your problems. If you want to attract success, talk about what makes you happy. A study published in the journal Psychological Science and reported in Science Daily examined how people responded to positive versus negative social media-status updates. The researchers ranked random survey subjects as having high or low self-esteem and collected a set of 10 status updates from each person. The researchers then asked strangers to read the updates and rate how much they liked the person who wrote each set.

An example of a positive status update was, “[I am] looking forward to a great day tomorrow.” An example of a negative update was, “[I am] upset b/c my phone got stolen.”
The study found that people with high self-esteem were more likely to post positive status updates than those with low self-esteem. The study also found that strangers liked people who posted positive status updates more than people posting negative ones.

People with low self-esteem complain, which makes them less desirable to others and lowers their self-esteem further. It's a vicious cycle. The way to stay out of this cycle is to actively build up your self-esteem by practicing habits that prevents complaining. 

5 STEPS That Will Change Your Financial Condition

We all need money  

At times we seem not to have enough.  

While the U.S. Treasury prints billions to be shuffled through our economy.  Governments and corporations move assets like game pieces.  Malls and stores capture billions of consumer dollars.  Money is readily available.  But why does it seem to escape many of us?

Mental tension is created when what you believe is in conflict with what you do.  The mind attempts to fill these mental potholes with rationalizations.  Negative habits can corrupt your ability to think clearly in the future.  We need to eliminate as much conflict tension as possible.

Use this understanding to begin changing your habits before they generate negative thinking.  A finanical choice is like a fork in the road.  Your decisions determines which road you will follow.  If you find yourself on the wrong road, initiate these five steps to re-route your travel plans.

Step 1: Determine your current position:  When you take a trip you identify your starting point.  Use a cash flow analysis, and an asset/liability assesment to determine current location.   Cash flow tracks the money movement in and out.  The asset/liability will give you a picture of past financial decisions.  It will also help identify potential assets that can be used to create wealth.

Step 2:  Determine your destination:  You never leave for a trip without knowing where you are going.  Determining where you are going, create success that leads to other successes.

Step 3:  Start shaping:  This is a technique where you set a series of short-term milestones that will get you closer.  Small accomplishments will give you momentum for reaching larger wealth dreams.

Step 4:  Customize your wealth plan:  Before making investments, evaluate what is in your hand, what is in your ability, and what is in your house.  

There is a story in the Bible of a woman who came to the Elisha the prophet.  She told him, my husband has died; I am burdened with debt; I have a poor FICO score and my financial condition is about to destroy my family.  Elisha, asked, "what's in your house."  She said nothing but a little oil.  He gave her a strategy that caused what she did not value to create value.  She paid off all her debts and she and her family lived off the rest.  

On The Millionaire Journey I use these biblical principles to discover an individual's wealth potential that will unlock a cycle of wealth creation that is specific to their personal financial DNA.

Step 5:  Celebrate your progress:  Reward yourself as you improve your financial standing.  

Just as the excessive wear and tear on your tires will hinder your journey, so will the misalignment of money.  Take these steps and re-route your plans to arrrive at your new desired destination.

How To Transform Your Life in 6 Minutes a Day

How to Transform Your Life in 6 Minutes a Day!! 

Oh, you’re busy? Weird, I thought it was just me. 

No matter where you are in life at this moment, there is at least one thing that you and I have in common: We want to improve our lives and ourselves. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with us, but as human beings we’re born with a desire to continuously grow and improve. I believe it’s within all of us. Yet most people wake up each day and life pretty much stays the same.

Hal Elord, the author of Miracle Morning writes about transforming your life in 6 minutes.  I got great results implementing these actions but dedicating 5 minutes to each action had a greater impact on my day.  If you are pushed for time, start with just 6 minutes.

If success and fulfillment were measured on a scale of 1 to 10, it’s safe to say that everyone would want to live every aspect of their lives at a Level 10.

Here’s the catch: To create the Level 10 life that you ultimately want, you must first dedicate time each day to becoming a Level 10 person who is capable of creating and sustaining that level of success.


Enter the life SAVERS, a sequence that combines the six most effective personal development practices known to man. While someone could invest hours on these practices, it only takes one minute for each -- or six minutes total -- to see extraordinary results.

Just imagine if the first six minutes of every morning began like this:

Minute 1: S is for silence.

Instead of hitting the snooze button, and then rushing through your day feeling stressed and overwhelmed, invest your first minute in sitting in purposeful silence. Sit quietly, calm and peaceful and breathe deeply. Maybe you meditate. Center yourself and create an optimum state of mind that will lead you effectively through the rest of your day.

Maybe you say a prayer of gratitude and appreciate the moment. As you sit in silence, you quiet your mind, relax your body and allow your stress to melt away. You develop a deeper sense of clarity, purpose, and direction.

Minute 2: A is for Affirmations.

Pull out and read your page of affirmations -- written statements that remind you of your unlimited potential, your most important goals and the actions you must take today to achieve them. Reading over reminders of how capable you really are motivates you. Looking over which actions you must take, re-energizes you to focus on doing what’s necessary today to takeyour life to the next level.

Minute 3. V is for visualization.

Close your eyes and visualize what it will look like and feel like when you reach your goals. Seeing your ideal vision increases your belief that it’s possible and your desire to make it a reality.

Minute 4. E is for exercise.

Stand up and move your body for 60 seconds, long enough to increase the flow of blood and oxygen to your brain. You could easily do a minute of jumping jacks, push-ups, or sit-ups. The point is that you raise your heart rate, generate energy and increase your ability to be alert and focused. 

Gwen and I have found a great 60 minute cardio workout that we can do together.  It's amazing the stress release and energy it creates that makes for a creative and productive day.

Minute 5. R is for reading.

Learn a new idea, something you can incorporate into your day, which will improve your results at work or in your relationships. Discover something new that you can use to think better, feel better and live better.

Minute 6. S is for scribing.


Pull out your journal and take one minute to write down something you’re grateful for, something you’re proud of and the top one to three results that you’re committed to creating that day. In doing so, you create the clarity and motivation that you need to take action.

Start today.

How would you feel if that’s how you used the first six minutes of each day? How would the quality of your day -- and your life -- improve? We can all agree that investing a minimum of six minutes into becoming the person that we need to be to create the lives we truly want is not only reasonable, it’s an absolute must.